A Wonderful Accolade From Our Business Partners ALASOFLA

School Scholarship
Adopt A School Program

Just a brief update from the ALA diversity committee…..

Good morning, friends. I want to share a success story with each of you from the D & I Committee. Many of you may know that our chapter has adopted Miami Carol City Senior High School (“MCCSHS”) by holding business workshops, advising the faculty of the Business and Information Technology (“BIT”) Academy, and serving as judges for the Future Business Leaders of America (“FBLA”) competitions. Well, in addition to these activities, one of the D&I committee’s members, Felice Solomon of Solomon Search, donated a $1,500 college scholarship to a graduating senior this year. Each applicant for the scholarship had to complete an application form, obtain two letter of references from teachers, complete and attached their volunteer log from their years in high school, and write a one page essay on what their future career plans were. In addition to this packet of information, each student’s high school transcripts were reviewed and their activity in the BIT Academy and FBLA were considered. Chrishera Smith was the recipient of our scholarship. Not only is Chrishera an excellent student and engaged in many extra-curricular activities during her high school years, she is a Silver Knight winner. Look for Chrishera’s picture in the local papers when the Silver Knight winners are published. I’m sure you join me in sending Chrishera best wishes in her future studies and career.

A big THANK YOU to Solomon Search Group for its generous donation to this scholarship and to Felice for suggesting this as another way ALASOFLA can support the students at MCCSHS.
As most of you know, MCCSHS is located in Miami Gardens, home of a football stadium that changes names more than it changes head coaches, two universities, and some of the highest poverty and violent crime in South Florida. Despite these last two facts, the students in the BIT Academy are there to learn and become contributing members to our community. Those on the D&I committee who have lead some of the workshops all agree that the experience is worthwhile and rewarding, to both us as business leaders and to the students. The faculty at the school is so grateful for ALASOFLA’s commitment and involvement in the student’s too. Watch for further activities for all of you to help support MCCSHS and its students.
I want to personally thank the committee members who have helped with the BIT workshops. Each workshop takes several hours to design and to present it to the students, but the experience is so rewarding.
Paula Lawson

We would like to thank the ALA for allowing us  to be part of the “Adopt A School Program”